Growing orchids in window
In Winter time which nature turns very cold and not conducive to orchid growth. A great place would be at the windows, where the sun can shine but the cold not come in. Choose the windows which receive the most sunlight. If the sunlight is too much, the shading can be applied. a confined area, which receives sunlight from windows facing two or more directions is the best because of the prolonged period of direct sunlight and because of being able to separate this area off from the living space, allowing the better control of growing environment. The smaller the area for growing orchids indoor, the easier it is to maintain an acceptable humidity level. The small area can be transformed into nearly greenhouse conditions simply by closing the doors, pulling up the blinds, and opening windows slightly for ventilation. Orchids in pots need a surface to rest both indoor and outdoor. The most conventional windowsills need some minor modification. For this purpose, metal braces attached to the sills at 1 foot intervals support 18 inch-wide, 1 and a half inch-deep, 4-foot-long trays filled with gravel and covered with orchids. The porous gravel not only keep orchids from any residual water in the trays but also is a significant source of humidity. In a confined area a humidity from such a source is perhaps sufficient but in a larger room of your home, you need to consider a humidifier on a market today. On the other hand, a confined area needs additional ventilation by a fan. A humid air should be in constant circulation for the general health of your orchids and to lessen the incidence of disease. if you are not fortunate to have large sunny windows, consider to supplement the existing light with artificial light. These are things to care for orchids in windows environment.