Landscape Design

Orchid Growing Tips

How should I take care of my Orchid Plants when Indoors?

thai orchids exporter

Orchids belong to the most commonly grown plants indoor. in ideal growing conditions, it really should not be the most difficult plant to take care of… learning to take care of the Orchid is very simple then. But the trick is that once you learn the ways I will describe in this article, then it is very simple.  These fascinating flowers are to be found in a huge variety of sizes and colors. In fact Orchids do not require a lot of care once all basic needs are met. these include factors such as temperature, light, and the proper humidity.

Orchid Growing Tips

Most of the orchids require some sort of moist source, and a well-draining pot. Of the orchid types there are several — there is fir bark or redwood,cork, sphagnum peat moss, charcoal, sand,rocks, potting soil, etc. A basic and good mix should be sufficient  for growing orchids consists of coarse perlite, fir bark, and sphagnum moss. something not a lot of people know is that you can also add some charcoal however this is optional. Generally speaking, the bark grade dependends on the type of orchid grown.

Orchids do require some shallow planting. Please place the orchids in an east to south-facing window or room. The plants really like the bright, indirect light. not having enough light would ultimately result in poor flowering. On the other hand, too much light can lead to leaf scorch, in which the leafs get burned.

The temperature also plays an important role for indoor orchid care. While the orchids tolerate the cooler or warmer temperatures throughout their normal growing season, however they should be about 15 degrees cooler during the night in order to bloom sufficiently.

Indoor Orchid Care Tips

Orchids need sufficient water but should be allowed to dry out some between waterings. How to check for watering is by poking your finger about an inch into the growing media. If it’s dry, give it some water; otherwise, let it be.

Indoor orchid plants also need sufficient humidity, about fifty to seventy percent. There are many ways to increase the humidity in your home. Place a water-filled saucer or tray of pebbles beneath plants, mist plants daily, or use a humidifier.

Please you need to care of fertilizing the orchids on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

We also need to be thinking of repotting, this is something that needs to be done every other year. if all the right factors are in place such as the proper light, temperature, and humidity, then we need to be repotting.

Also dont forget about pests or diseases. mealybugs, scale, and aphids amoung the common ones.

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