Landscape Design

Orchid care

How do I feed my orchid?

thai orchids
veteran orchid growers fertilize their orchids weakly, weekly.

Orchids need to be fed regularly. Growers advise using a “balanced” fertilizer such as 20-20-20 that includes all “necessary trace elements.” Regardless of the fertilizer formulation you choose to use, it should have little or no urea. If you are not sure of what fertilizer to use, you can usually use any fertilizer you would for your other container plants. Orchids will do far better with too little fertilizer than with too much. Many growers recommend the “weakly, weekly” method, applying a dilute (1/4 strength) fertilizer each time they water, rather than applying a full dose once a month. Also, avoid fertilizing a completely dry plant because the fertilizer can burn the dry roots. Water first then follow with fertilizer solution.

When should I repot?

thai orchids
When an orchid plant starts to grow over the edge of the pot, it is time to repot it!

Orchid plants need repotting for one or a combination of two main factors: Potting mix breaks down, often shown by dead roots, or the plant outgrowing the container. In the first case, a larger pot may not be needed, simply replace the growing medium. In the second case, the plant may need dividing or may be moved to a larger pot. Fresh media should always be applied. A good general rule of thumb is to pot for the bottom of the plant, the root system, and not for the top, the leave.

What is the best potting media?

thai orchids
Aliflor, an expanded clay product, is popular on its own as a potting media, or used as an additive to mixes.

A fresh, fast-draining, but water-retentive medium is important to the healthy root system necessary for good growth. Whether a bark-based mix (which drains well, is forgiving of watering errors but breaks down rather fast), a peat-based mix (which retains moisture well but requires more careful watering and often re-potting) or some inorganic, basically hydroponic method, orchids have been grown successfully in a variety of media.

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